KLH Pacific Pty Ltd

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Who we

We at KLH Pacific are passionate about truly sustainable, carbon-negative, healthy and comfortable mass-timber buildings, ideally developed to the Passivhaus standard.

The team behind KLH Pacific has been developing and constructing CLT buildings either as panelised or factory-assembled modular designs.

We have built trust with a wide range of clients, collaborating with architects, engineers, builders and skilled tradespeople all over Australia.


Led by Andreas Luzzi, the KLH Pacific team consists of individuals from a wide range of professional backgrounds across engineering, science, design and trade.

We are inspired by CLT buildings and proud to bring some of Austria’s sustainable forests to Australia.



  • Expert Consultation: Consult on building physics and appropriate design for mass-timber construction.
  • Accurate Estimates: Develop quantity take-offs and cost estimates for CLT and mass-timber supplies.
  • Collaborative Approach: Collaborate with clients and their team of professionals on design and construction.
  • 3D Modeling: Develop precise 3D CLT models for client approval to manufacture and supply.
  • Supply Logistics Management: Manage entire CLT supply logistics from factory to job site, incl. associated materials.

Join us on a journey towards sustainable, carbon-negative, and exceptionally comfortable mass-timber buildings. Together, we can bring your architectural dreams to life.

KLH Pacific Pty Ltd

15A Sleigh Place
Hume ACT 2620


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KLH Pacific Pty Ltd


Aufstockung, Um- und Zubau


3-geschossiger Anbau eines 100 Jahre alten Landhauses

Bauten im BildungswesenPassivhaus


s.ustainable e.nvironmental ed.ucation spaces   KLH® – CLT war ein wesentlicher Bestandteil beim Bau dieser einzigartigen 82 Quadratmeter großen Klassenzimmer, die nach dem deutschen Passivhausstandard gebaut…

Öffentliche Bauten

Parks Victoria


Bungalow Balgowlah

Wir sind gerne für sie da.
+43 3588 8835

KLH Massivholz GmbH
Gewerbestrasse 4
A-8842 Teufenbach-Katsch
KLH Massivholz Wiesenau GmbH
Wiesenau 2
9462 Bad St. Leonhard

Wir sind gerne
für sie da.